How to Stop Binge Eating (part 10 of 11)

by | Nov 3, 2021

The 10th Thing to Give up if You’re Ready to Stop Binge and Emotional Eating is Body Bashing.

You had to know this was coming. The last post was about shaming and criticizing yourself for your actions, and this one is geared towards the way you shame and criticize your body.

Here are some examples I’ve heard inside my own head and from my clients…

  • “I’m so disgusting”
  • “I hate my stomach”
  • “My arms are so flabby”
  • “I’m a fat cow”
  • “My thighs are humongous”
  • “I just wish I could lose ____ lbs.”
  • “My body is so gross”
  • “I’ve really let myself go”
  • “My body is deformed”

You learned from your last lesson that shame and doubt lead to self-destructive behaviors like binge eating. Why would you take care of a body you hated?

When you body shame yourself, you are less likely to follow that up with mindful and supportive food choices.

When you body shame yourself you are less likely to practice self-care.

When you body shame yourself, you give others permission to do the same.

When you body shame yourself, you eat to deal with the stress of hating your body.

When you body shame yourself, you dissociate from it and cannot possibly eat intuitively…

…And this is the biggest threat to your relationship with your body of all. Body shaming only fuels the cycle of eating foods that don’t actually support or feel good in your body because hating it breaks your connection to it.

If we’re dissociated from our body, we can’t hear the body calling for our attention, whether that is to eat or to stop eating, so then we either restrict or over eat, keeping us in the very cycles we are looking to break free from.

I could go on for hours in this post because this is a topic I feel particularly passionate about, and forming a new relationship with your body warrants many, many deeper lessons, most of which are included in-depth in the courses I offer. 

For now, know that body shaming has to go if you want to stop binge and emotional eating.

Be on the lookout for the critical voice in your head and do something absolutely outrageous … don’t listen to it.

All my love,


Written By Cina Hoey

Cina is a licensed therapist, meditation teacher, and energy healer. She is most passionate about blending traditional and non-traditional practices to help her clients achieve peace and healing.

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