How to Stop Binge Eating (part 11 of 11)

by | Nov 3, 2021

The 11th Thing to Give Up if You’re Ready to Stop Binge & Emotional Eating is comparing yourself to others.

We made it babe! This is the last post of this series. If you’ve stuck with me through all 11, go you! And Thank you!

So if you are 100% ready to stop the destructive and exhausting battle with food, you absolutely must stop comparing yourself to others.

There is a quote that I love that says comparison is the thief of joy. I’d like to add to that and say that comparison is also completely delusional.

When I was the thinnest I had ever been in my life, I would bet that some other women would have envied the body that I had. Here’s what those women didn’t know.

I was miserable.


Terrified to eat anything.

And still feeling like my body wasn’t good enough.

You have no idea what kind of relationship that woman has to her body. You have no idea if she’s starving, critical, and anxious or if she’s truly at peace in her skin. To be clear, I’ll take peace in a bigger body over misery in a smaller body every. single. time.

Additionally, when you hit your goal weight you are not automatically provided a unicorn that whisks you off into a magical land where you have no problems. You’re still you. With the same thoughts, the same fears, and the same insecurities.

Yes, I’m being annoying and I know none of you are actually that delusional, but you are delusional if you buy into the “I’ll be happy when…” syndrome. 

As a psychotherapist that has studied the mind/body connection quite thoroughly, I can tell you that the “I’ll be happy when…” game is a losing one. Here’s why:

Your body becomes addicted to emotional states the same way it gets addicted to substances. So if you spend years hating your body, comparing it to others, and feeling inadequate and shameful about it, you think weight loss is going to magically make all of those feelings go away?

Nope. Your mind has created some very well-worn neural pathways about criticizing your body and because the mind is efficient and a little lazy, it reproduces the same thoughts repeatedly because it conserves energy to do so. This is why just losing weight will not actually make you feel confident, empowered, sexy, beautiful, or happy.

So basically this means that YOU MUST CHANGE AT THE LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS before anything in your life really changes. This is true about weight, money, relationships, career, spirituality, happiness, anxiety, depression, and more.

I’ve helped enough people through enough problems to know this to be true.

So here is your opportunity to shift your mind and trust me babe, the rest will follow.

Stop comparing yourself to others. Stop robbing yourself of the joy you could have in the present moment, even if you aren’t at your ideal size right now. What a revolutionary thought! I could actually enjoy myself even if I haven’t lost weight yet!

Comparing yourself to others sets up the shame spiral, which sets up the binge spiral.

You are good enough as you are.

You are good enough as you are.

You are good enough as you are.

As I mentioned in the last post, your thoughts are the ancestors to your behaviors, so more compassionate and kind thoughts about yourself will lead to more compassionate and kind behaviors.

You are powerful beyond measure. You are the key to unlocking this.

Stop comparing yourself to women with completely different DNA, eating habits, and lifestyles than you. Stop comparing yourself to your sisters, friends, co-workers, and random strangers on tiktok.

This is your journey. Own it. 

This sums up my 11 Things to Give Up to Stop Binge & Emotional Eating series. THANK YOU for reading, I hope you enjoyed it, and please reach out with questions and comments because I love your feedback! And if you know a babe that needs these messages, please share with them!

All my love,


P.S. If you are ready to take a deeper dive into this process, please reach out to inquire about individual and group coaching or my in-depth online courses to support you on your journey!

Written By Cina Hoey

Cina is a licensed therapist, meditation teacher, and energy healer. She is most passionate about blending traditional and non-traditional practices to help her clients achieve peace and healing.

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